• +39 06 45753.650
  • info@hitechaviation.eu


MTGS Simulator with G1000
and 3 axis Control Loading

Basic Instruments Training Device class simulator, with 3 X 32" Ultra High Res screens (4K), G1000 replica and 3 axis Control Loading with variable force Feedback and vibrations. It is the ideal basic trainer device for any flight school. It is customizable with any single or twin prop instrument panel. Also available with immersive large screens. with software and hardware optimization can reach 60 fps. Custom built computers, dedicated and optimized specifically for the simulation, grant a smooth flight and scenery flow. Schools enquiry are welcome.

We serve professional trainers

With a range of simulators suitable for any level of training, we can face at any order,
whatever it is the needed level, from ab-initio student up to airline pilot.

For your enquiry, please write to:

Differences are within details

Time is money! never sentence has been more suitable for pilot trainers. Every time a simulator stops due to a breakdown, the trainer loses his money. It is because we spend our time to pay attention at every details of our simulators, from design up to their assembling. We don't take chances. We build them because they last.

pictures speak louder than words

Quality for us is never a compromise